
Alexander Velchev


Software Engineer

Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 894 617 210

Who am I?

I'm an ambitious, motivated, self-learning developer. With passion for knowledge, I strive for achievements every day. I'm disciplined and out-going. I'm a problem solver.


Back-end development with:
Java,SpringBoot,Azure IoT Hub,JUnit5,Mapstruct,Kafka,PostMan for integration testing,PostgreSQL,Oracle SQL,Azure SDK for Java,FlyWay


Docker,Docker-swarm,Kubernetes,Azure Storage Explorer,GitHub Enterprise and SVN,Jenkins,SonarQube


Discipline and integrity
I've always been a motivated person who just likes to get the job done in a serious manner.


Self driven
Most of my software knowledge I've gained by watching video lectures, reading blogs and articles and numerous hours of exercises.


Time management
The ability to track and provide meaningful task estimations.

Communication skills


Front-end development of UI using different libraries
Primefaces,Omnifaces and etc.




Mother language


B2 Level


A1 Level

  • Team and project management
  • Vitualization technologies like Docker
  • Football
  • Fitness

Work Experience

Software Engineer / Bosch.IO
Oct 2022 - Current
Sofia, Bulgaria

Part of team which developed:

    Production Kanban Management service called ProCon.ProCon is the next generation Bosch APS solution integrating planning and control functions to bridge the gap between ERP to MES. It enables the customer to continuously steer the complete value stream and brings the plan onto the shopfloor.

Development stack: Java,SpringBoot,Hibernate,Kafka,Docker,Key Cloak,Solace
Databases: MySQL
Deployment:Jenkins, SonarQube for CI/CD , JFrog for maven repo
Source Control: BitBucket
Backend Java Developer / Bbraun
June 2020 - October 2022
Sofia, Bulgaria

Lead team which developed:

    IoMT Connector With the B. Braun Healthcloud, B. Braun established a platform for digital products and services provided to our end-customers. One service provided there, is the "Internet-of-Medical-Things" ("IoMT") - a platform for providing value-added services based on connected medical devices.The IoMT Connector application is realized as a Flores application and executed within the Flores runtime environment. It is a containerized Java SpringBoot application and part of the Flores installation media. During setup, the IoMT Conector application is getting paired with the Flores platform. The main components of the IoMT Connector are
  • a Kafka connector to interact with the to Flores messaging system,
  • an interface to IoMT to provide access to IoMT services (e.g. device twins, software updates, ...)
  • a HTTP connector to upload software packages into the Flores Device Manager REST API
  • a business logic layer providing functionality to translate the workflows and data models between Flores and IoMT

    Development stack: SpringBoot,Kafka,Docker,Azure IoT Hub,
    Databases: PostgreSQL
    Deployment:Jenkins, SonarQube for CI/CD , Nexus for maven repo
    Source Control: GitHub Enterprise

Java Software Developer / Data Solutions
Jan 2019 - June 2020
Sofia, Bulgaria

Take part of team which developed web applications:

  • Cashier is multifunctional payment management system. It is integrated into third party Billing and CRM solution, in order to provide cashier functionality to the system. The users’ access to the Cashier is managed by external system via web services.Cashier supports cash payments, POS terminal payments and deposit payments. Upon each payment, a fiscal receipt is issued. The payments are for different types of invoices and documents. In order to accomplish that, the Cashier is integrated with different Web Services.
  • InvoiceImage Invoice Image is a multifunctional document generation system. It produces different types of invoice documents, based on user requests. Invoices can be in PDF, Excel or CSV formats. In addition to the online files, the system produces specialized versions for paper printing and CD burning as well.The system is divided into two separated applications. The first one is the invoices generation engine (invoice producer) which provides the required file. The invoice producer is responsible for generating PDF, XLS and CSV file formats for invoices. The application is stateless and many processes of generation can be started and serve requests without the need of a clustered environment. Started instances are grouped with a High availability proxy server that handles the requests in a round-robin fashion. Several groups can be started and configured to handle different request channels, i.e. CRM channel, batch processing channel (paper print jobs), web page and etc. This architecture allows each group to have one entry point for the requests, the HA proxy, and as many workers as it is needed to satisfy the request channels load.
  • Jessica This projects is for the finance institute. The system allows the management of a portfolio of loans disbursements and repayments, calculation of due regular and penalty interest on a real-time calendar, management of collateral and insurance, quick and easy access to a wide range of reports and reporting, and maintenance on a customer database.

  • Development stack: Java EE,EclipseLink,JPA,Docker, Primefaces
    Databases: MSSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL,Oracle
    Deployment:Jenkins, SonarQube for CI/CD , Nexus for maven repo
    Source Control: SVN,Git

Application Data Layer Support Engineer / Amdocs
Dec 2017 - Jan 2019
Sofia, Bulgaria

Assigned from Data Solutions Ltd. Sofia Bulgaria, For supporting Business Software Projects at level 2.Our work is to resolve problem on PROD which affects clients or other system. Working with Oracle, Microsoft, Tibco software products, written with .NET, Java and databases MSSQL, Oracle DB.

Databases: MSSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL,Oracle
Deployment:Jenkins, SonarQube for CI/CD
Source Control: SVN,Git



I'm motivated person whose passion is to learn new thing and get better in his job.I have interest in the Enterprise tehnologies and building clean architectures and deploying application using Docker.

Technical University Sofia
2018 - 2020
Sofia, Bulgaria

Computer Technology and Applied Programming, Master Degree

Software Unversity
2015 - 2016
Sofia, Bulgaria

Software Engineering with Java

Technical University Sofia
2014 - 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria

Information technologies in industry, Bachelor Degree

High School "Nesho Bonchev"
2009 - 2014
Panagyurishte, Bulgaria

Studied Information Technologies and intensive learning of English.



In this project is demonstrated main Java Spring concepts. Model view controller architecture, using mapstruct for objects mapping,flyway for database migration,JUNIT 5 configuration for test coverage,read and filter data from json file and return it like a response, basic CRUD operations.Also is demonstrated how to return a Pageable response which is easy to filter, sorting and etc.Created Global exception handler for handle exception from the codebase.Demo of how to use CriteBuilder for data retrieving.

Added integration with git hub actions for code analyzis

  • https://www.sonarsource.com/products/sonarcloud/
  • https://sonarcloud.io/project/overview?id=alvelchev_spring-pageable-response-demo
  • Project Repository

    This is a java spring boot application which provides functionality to open, update and delete device twin using azure java sdk from AzureIoT hub.In those projects is demonstrated how to generate SAS token for authentication into the azure cloud.

    Added also repositories with examples in PostgreSQL and PostMan API

  • PostgreSQL-Azure-IoT-Hub-Device-Basic-Operations
  • Postman-Azure-IoT-Hub-Device-Operations
  • Project Repository

    As the winners of Copernicus Hackaton in Sophia 2019 we had a chance to make out idea into reality with making an application.In this application we deliver soil analysis combining Satelite imaging and soil samples.We use Sentinel Data API, Leaflet maps, React with Material UI for front-end and for server we use node js.We want to help farmers to grow fastly and detect any problems with their land earlier,this will make the proccess more automated

    Project Repository


    Drupal Front-End - January 2016
    Apr 2016


    Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)
    Sep 2015

    1ST Place in Copernicus Hackatons
    April 2019
